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In the pith of origin


A pulsing gelatinous mesh                                    

buffered in warm wobble-drifts                                 


Suspended, then thrust out – lifeline

severed, tied up and tucked away     


Breath reticent in estranging air,

barraged by smog, electronic hiss                                       


Wedged in the muck of aggregation,     

dense attractors quell sidereal yearnings:                              


quicksand promises, polestar simulacrums 

strangulating options, the pull of the void -                 


A love-pulse persists around the tatters,                           

unperturbed, offering succor in dire need.                                


Beneficence ripples through the silence,             

imperceptibly, like stardust wafting by.           





In the pith of diapause                                          


tone held through the gap 

between crawl-chew                                          

and flutter-sip


weather churn


on the brink: wings rolled                                        

ready, colors soft                                                                           

through chrysalis wrap                                                                      


slow unfurl


finding the updraft            


              -  published in Dispatches Poetry Wars


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