now available from author
TILT / HOVER / VEER poetry chapbook
Chant de la Sirene issue 4 “Scoping the Haze with Rarely Ravens”
“Backcountry Bleeding,” “Asymptote,” “Waterfall Gambol”
Imminent 2024 “Hard to Know the Whole of it”
Poem video, “Bee Adjacency”
“Moonshine Playtime” Camilla Nelson’s Ecology of Line project
“Lines of Attunement,” “The heart rate of a Red-tailed Hawk,”
“Like a leaf, trembling”
Live! mag #20 fall 23 “While stirring to bloom”
Featured Femme at Clockwise Cat http://clockwisecat.com/
Gravitous Leap, ground swerve, pulse under water, slope duo, a nook, a skimmer, salvia pep talk
Ecozona garden issue: “Tongue All Out”
Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities: "Shape of Water," and "Dream Routes."
Essay: “When Poetry Rivers” (Interim journal 38.3)
Talisman issue 51 https://www.talisman46.com/newell.html
the acrostics: Pollin ate, Hummingbird Target, Zepherine Drouhan, Hummer’s Plea
ASLE-Brazil: “Flying Jewells Fading”
Clockwise Cat http://clockwisecat.com/ “A Bird in a Wormhole Fixation”
“Well” in the anthology Count Every Breath. Thanks to Vinita Agrawal
BlazeVox22 http://www.blazevox.org/BX%20Covers/BXFall22/Fall%2022%20-%20Mary%20Newell.pdf
Thanks to Geoffrey Gatza
“Split Species Intertwined” sequence:
From Red to Green to…, If a Tree, List to the Leaves
Black Earth Institute, Justice issue, “Pollinator’s Cross” and "Crossing the Border for choice, December 2022 https://aboutplacejournal.org/issues/center-of-gravity/praxis/mary-newell/
"Orthogonal" in First Literary Review East, November
“Night/ light” published in Lightwood, July (Thanks to Larry Carr) https://lightwoodpress.com/2021/06/25/night-light-poem-by-mary-newell/
Talisman February 2021: 3 sonnets: “Shooting Stars, Our Trace,” “Trickster Nature,” “Glimpse from Slippage” thanks to Ed Foster
"Where We Were When" in Salt . Thanks to Billie Chernikoff
Re-SURGE chapbook by Trainwreck Press (closed – available from author) July
“Almost is a Long Way from Drowning” Ethel summer 2021
HUMMINGBIRD TRIO: Parallel Maneuvers, Flying jewels fading, Inter-volve in BlazeVox anniversary issue. Thanks to Geoffrey Gatza [PDF File]
"Selected work in Silver Pinion"
"A Love Map is a Spiral Map" The Poetry Project's online publication, Footnotes.
"The Future in Spite of it All" "A World Woke Fresh" and "Conceding to Gravity in the Leap" in Green Theory and Praxis, ed. Nikoleta Zampaki special summer issue.
"Eating Seafood on the Hudson" and "Bank Tangle" published in Planet Crisis Poetry Anthology, Foothills Press, Dwain Wilder and Bart White Eds.
"In the pith of wrack and ruin" and "In the pith of a queasy misgiving" published in
Concrete Mist Press Anthology - Heath Brougher Ed.
"Between Daylight and the Deep" published in CAPS Poetry 2020 Anthology, Roger Aplon Ed.
“in the pith of a diamonded terroir, “In the pith of afterdays” published by x-peri, July issue. thanks to Daniel Harris
“Brood” and “Fledge, a respite” published by BlazeVOX Spring 2019. Thanks to Geoffrey Gatza.
“In the pith of attenuation” in the Brownstone Poets Anthology, 2019. Thanks to Patricia Carragon.
“Tuning to what Matters” in Entropy, Last Words.
“In the pith of break down,” “In the pith of attenuation,” and “In the pith of a misplaced suspicion” appear in BlazeVox issue 18. [PDF File].
“In the pith of hover,” “in the pith of swerve,” and “in the pith of diapause” appear on Dispatches from the Poetry Wars.
“In the pith of fledge” (May) and “The wake of an ending” (with the title “In the pith of wake”) (July) appear on First Literary Review–East.
“City Sea Change” in Scintilla
“In the pith of swerve,” “In the pith of luscious,” and “In the pith of afterdays” accepted by WoodCoin Magazine.
“Etheric Meander” in Artoetry Anthology.
“For Charlottesville, for the Unstable States” and “In the pith of a sad meander” in Clockwise Cat, Issue 38.
“Between Two Deaths, an Accident” in Oyster River Pages, inaugural
“Born-ing” in SRPR (Spoon River Poetry Review) Issue 42.1 (summer 2017).
“To Meet the Day” in First Literary Review East, July 2017
"A Bias Toward the Beneficial" in The Hopper, 2017 print issue
“Solace of the Bright Night” in Avocet weekly #216, 2/1/2017
"Mother Rain" in First Literary Review-East, May 2017.
“Just a White Girl” was a finalist for the Poetry Matters contest.
“Colors of Heat and Cold” in Earth’s Daughters Issue #88, themed "Ebb."
“Blindside” in Chronogram September 2016. http://www.chronogram.com/
"From Beavers this Rivulet" in Issue 10 of Written River, 2016. http://writtenriver.com/
2015 and earlier
“Lotus Witness,” “Whirl,” and “Why Waiting” in About Place Journal.
http://blackearthinstitute.org/apj/ (March 22 2015).
“And then, another” in First literary Review – East (September 2015) and five Four-plays
(4-sentence prose poems after Heller Levinson) in summer 2015.
“Spring Dead” in anthology, The Four Seasons, a Kind of a Hurricane Press, 2015.
“The Traffic in Old Ladies” received an honorable mention in the Best of 2014 Anthology of
Kind of a Hurricane Press.
“If not Love” in Jivin’ Ladybug
“Shades of Melancholy: Somber Tones in Emily Dickinson’s Poems” in Melancholia: Hinge as Innominate Limina, by Will Alexander, Heller Levinson, and Mary Newell.
“From Place Studies to Global Concerns: Exploring Ecocritical Approaches to Pedagogy,”
Transformations, Summer 2013.
“Leaves of Grass: Whitman’s Expressive and Regenerative Natural World.”
Encyclopedia of the Environment in American Literature.
“Emily Dickinson’s Green Poetics.”
Encyclopedia of the Environment in American Literature.
"Multi-modal Place-Based Learning in an Interdisciplinary Course"
“Teaching Place” issue of Elsewhere: A Journal for the Literature of Place,
Summer 2008.
“Gestures toward Cross-Species Reciprocal Relations in Contemporary Poetics.” The
Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies Special Issue of Reconstruction, 7.2 (2007).
“Embodied Mutuality: Reconnecting to Environment and Self in Terry Tempest Williams’s
An Unspoken Hunger.” Surveying the Literary Landscapes of Terry Tempest Williams:
New Critical Essays. University of Utah Press, 2003.